Thursday, September 17, 2009

Restrict Selection Screen Options

Do you ever have the need to use Select-Options but want to limit what the user can enter? This sample program shows how limit the Select-Options to allow only Equal Conditions, only Not Equal Conditions, only Less Than or Equal Conditions, and several other options. This is a screen shot of the Selection Screen
Use program ZCA_TEST_RESTRICT_SELECTS to test these different options. The program uses 2 includes ZCASELEI00_SELECT_OPT_RESTRICT and ZCASELEI01_SELECT_OPT_RESTRICT as well as function module Z_CA00_RESTRICT_SELECT

Track custom program usage

The sample program here Z_BOB_TEMPLATE_2 can be used as an example of how to track the usage of a custom program. It uses 2 include programs ZSDTABLI00_ABAP_USE and ZSDTABLI01_ABAP_USE_US and also function module ZSD12_UPDATE_ABAPUSE The table ZSD12_ABAPUSE is used for the actual tracking

ABAP Editor ERP 6 - Save internal table while in Debugger

Here is a way to save the contents of an internal table while in ABAP Debugger



















ABAP Editor ERP 6 - Zoom in & out


When in the ABAP editor, use  your control key and roller ball on your mouse to zoom in or out of the code.














Now press and hold the  Ctrl key and Roll down on your mouse and see the result
















Now press and hold the  Ctrl key and Roll up on your mouse and see the result


ABAP Editor ERP 6 - Select previously copied code


When in the ABAP editor, use  Cntrl+Shift Then V -> To select back previous copied coding and paste back in sE38















ABAP Editor ERP 6 Tips

Here are a few things that can be done with the ABAP Editor in ERP 6.0




Select  Front-End Editor (New) 







Notice the new look





















here you have to option to Select Enable Auto Completion and also the delay time for it

This is an example of the auto fill
























Next look at the following block of comments, there is a "-" to the left of the first line


click on the"-" to reduce the comments to a single line and now it has a "+" to the left


If you place the cursor on the "+" it will look like this









How to set up the colors on your screen



















Select  "Fonts and Colors"  and then scroll through the various Display items and

set the colors


There is also a selection under Formatting   for Auto Correction